Category Archives: Telephony & Voice Over IP

ABA TechShow: The Video

Live from TechShow 2009 ...

Live from TechShow 2009 ...


Thought I’d share some choice video from TechShow 2009 featuring all 4 of the Best of Show winners that I wrote up in TechnoLawyer, plus interviews with some of my heroes such as Bob Ambrogi, Jay Funeberg, and Kevin O’Keefe, as well as sightings of legal blogging all-stars like Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighelle. I’m still excited.  


See related videos here and find me on YouTube as practicehacker

ABA TechShow 2009 – Short and SaaSy

Were the ABA Damnit!

We're the ABA Damnit! We own you!

This was my 10th year at ABA Technology Show in Chicago. This year was particularly cool.  Here’s why:

Meeting The Heavies: To me, seeing people like Dennis Kennedy, Tom Mighelle, Bob Ambrogi, Jim Calloway, Kevin O’Keefe, Brett Burney, Andy Atkins, Jay Foonberg (!) and the rest of my pretend blog friends … I mean pretend LinkedIn friends … is like reconnecting with long lost relatives. Exciting and a little intimidating. But all of them were really great and down to earth. Except that Kennedy. Such a prima donna. I kid, I kid.

Meeting Canadians: Who can forget meeting the Great Librarian of Upper Canada! Beat that. Then there was Phil of the Future (my name for him), Steve Matthews (nice guy), Brett Burney (I think he’s Canadian), Dominic Jaar (vive la Quebec libre!), the boys from Clio (or as I called them, the Booth Babes), and a host of other talent from the Great White North. It was great to meet you all: now go back where the ice doesn’t melt until July.

Technology Becoming Accepted: This year for the first time in memory I noticed a preponderance of grey hairs and the careful gait of partners scoping out potential buys for their offices.  This was not the brash, flash-in-the-pan TechShow of the late-90’s in which the Internet was decried as a fad.

SaaS, Saas, and more Saas: Software as a service was all over the place, and by next year it will be pervasive. This year I was knocked out by the number and variety of kick-ass SaaS providers at the show including Clio, RocketMatter, and VLO Tech. Clio was my hands-down favorite for a number of reasons – I intend to use it in my own practice. Whatever your cup of tea, the idea of throwing away the IT department in favor of the Cloud is gaining traction fast.

Less is … Less: One lamentable fact about this  year’s show – there was less of it than I’ve seen in a long time. Another casualty of the economy I’d say, but we shouldn’t overlook the fact that many legal technology vendors have been slaves to profit instead of boosters for innovation and the slow economy is making it painfully apparent what a royal screw job they’ve been giving lawyers all these years. Many players couldn’t make it ? Good riddance to bad company.

Other than that however, it was a great experience as always and one that I heartily recommend to one and all. If you haven’t been to TechShow, go there. If you have, come back. A splendid time is guaranteed for all.

For more coverage see my SmallLaw Column in TechnoLawyer.

Check out Twitter coverage of TechShow.

As always, I’d love your thoughts. E-mail me at mhedayat[at] or tweet me @practichacker.

ttyl 🙂

mikz got mobility

Coneneer turns your phone into a server

mikz makes your phone a server

Conveneer, a Swedish mobile startup is building a mobile platform called Mikz that would assign a unique URL to your mobile phone, making content on your phone accessible on the Web. In essence, it turns each mobile phone into a Web server. Once your phone has a URL, Web applications and services can incorporate the data locked in there and, conversely, your phone can take advantage of common Web applications and information on the Web. Mikz can pull information such as contacts, GPS coordinates, and files from your phone. It then creates a Web interface for your phone so that you access that information anywhere. The result will be, among other things that you would never lose any telephone data again or need to back up or synchronize. You would simply have access to the information because it is all on a central location. Looking a step further ahead, that same information should be available to incorporate into office applications, documents, pleadings, letters, etc., etc., etc.

Blackberry Storm – imitation is the sincerest form of flattery


The Blackberry iPhone .. I mean ‘Storm’

Love is a many splendored thing. How else could you explain the way cell-phone companies can say “I envy and desire you” with their eyes while throwing darts at pictures of the iPhone?

As proof, take the latest “iPhone killer” to emerge from RIM. Hot on the heels of the Googlephone,  the Blackberry Storm is Research in Motion‘s  strike at Cupertino, California-based Apple and a sleek little number at that. Of course Crackberry fans have been ablaze with desire and this feature in Time Magazine did nothing to quench their gadget-lust.

Not that it’s a bad looking phone: on the contrary, it is sleek and boasts some innovative features (the ‘clickable screen’ is very cool for openers, and there are others). Then there is RIM’s ability to deliver the goods, which is legendary. Whether you use ‘push’ e-mail of the Microsoft Exchange variety or pop3 such as Hotmail, Gmail, etc., Blackberry will most likely get it to you faster than any other device, and sends replies without missing a beat thanks to RIM’s proprietary network. Even as a hard-core iPhone fan I must admit that the AT&T network is no substitute for Blackberry’s flawless delivery system.

So shine on you crazy diamond. Although we suspect that rumors of the iPhone’s demise are greatly exaggerated, the Storm is still a damn cool phone.

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NextFest 2008 – Twitter Posts

As promised here, below are my Tweets from the Chris Anderson presentation entitled The Future of Free. You can also follow me on Twitter to stay plugged in or to see more updates.

Where Business Is Headed?

10:00AM Sitting in the front row listening to The Future of Free; Chris Anderson discussing supply and demand on the Internet and how to get value by giving things away

10:09AM Our language reflects what we think of the concept of free in that there is both “good” free (liberation) and “bad” free (come-on) but there is no “free” lunch (so to speak)

10:14AM The different types of “free” that make up the freeconomy

Cross-Subsidy: see King Gillette and the disposable razors. It’s about loss leaders; give-a-ways; disposable products

Too Cheap To Meter: See Moore’s Law of Diminishing Costs – ever-cheaper inputs yield ever more complex products that can be made for next to nothing; telephones, gas, electricity, computer memory, computing power, Internet bandwidth

Ad-Supported Free: This is 3rd party subsidization – i.e. TV, Radio, Internet – and it is the model of the 20th century (the one we all know)

Allen Kay > developed graphical user interface at Xerox Park > used by Apple and MS Windows > lead to Tim Berners Lee and HTML > gave us the WWW >  what’s next?

10:38AM Moore’s Law leads to novel and “wasteful” ways to use technology – which can change everything – the Internet is all about waste, new ideas, frequent failure, occasional successes, and the cycle

Technologists have only one legitimate job >> make it cheap and fast then get out of the way and let the crowd decide how to use it. Don’t try to tell us what to do because you can’t see the forest for the trees.

10:48AM The rule in the “free” Internet economy … marginal cost = zero, so in order to make money you must give it away in exchange for the new currencies of attention and reputation [the Internet leads the way here]

Attention = links

Reputation = page rank

The new paradigm: give away 100 to covert 1 and still cover your costs

10:57AM In the Q&A session Mr. Anderson answered my question about converting groups of professionals and other scarcity-based “knowledge workers” like Attorneys, CPA’s, Physicians, etc.

Wired NextFest 2008 – You Are There

nextfest 2008 logo

A Face For Radio

Vintage TV show You Are There represented early television’s attempt to evoke a live event by recreating a historical one. Kind of like reporting or blogging. As a TV show however, it was the kind of yawner that could only have aired at a time when the medium was desperate for content and network executives reasoned that any show that had enjoyed success on the radio couldn’t miss on TV. So what’s that got to do with NextFest 2008? Let me explain.

Mr. Micro Meet Mr. Blog

When I got the invitation to hear Wired Editor in Chief Chris Anderson talk about his book Free! I planned to blog the experience as I had the ABA TechShow and other events over the past few years.

But when I arrived at NextFest something told me this was going to be different. Maybe it was the pervasive use of blue lights or the elegant feng shui of the exhibits; maybe I had an epiphany wedged in the front row of the audience between one lady holding a video-camera over my head and another balancing a pocket recorder between thumb and forefinger inches from my face. Whatever the reason, I knew that I had to take evasive action. My answer: iPhone + Twitterphone. You can see the results in this companion post or choose to follow me on Twitter.

So…What’s The Connection?

As Anderson noted in his presentation, The Future of Free (which is really just his spin on Joseph Schumpeter‘s theory of “creative destruction”), there are a number of forces that link new ideas and new media, from You Are There in the early days of television to Twitter on the Internet. They are:

  • Fear of scarcity brings out radically different behaviors than hopes of abundance
  • The latter inevitably leads to waste – the good kind that encourages trial-and-error
  • Where the cost of failure is virtually zero, experimentation will flourish
  • Where people are trying new things all the time, at least 1 good idea is bound to assert itself
  • If the attempt is a bust, the cycle can quickly restart thanks to low barriers and costs

In the end, You Are There wasn’t so much a TV show as a radio program retrofitted for the new medium. It wasn’t until mass adoption of TV-sets and the ubiquity of free programming a decade later that broadcasters began understanding that they could afford to fail and not lose their audience. The experience lead TV in directions that its inventors could never have foreseen.

The Future of Free! Is The Future of the Internet

The Internet is our generation’s zero-cost distribution system; our TV. Twitter itself is a perfect example of how the Internet has lead to waste – the wrong and right kinds. So what if Twitter and its clones turn out to be spectacular failures? It doesn’t matter; the eco-system created by the Internet is still at work so long as thousands of failures lead to 1 good idea. After all, that’s what the future of free is all about.

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What: Wired NextFest 2008
When: Saturday, September 27, 2008 (all day)
Where: Millennium Park, Chase Promenade

55 N Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois United States

The Second Coming of the Jesus Phone


Google written all over it

Google written all over it

Feast your eyes on the first cell-phone to have goodies like Gmail, Search, Calendar, and more built in from the get-go via the innovative and, until now, secretive Android mobile OS. The so-called Google Phone has been a myth for as long as the iPhone (dubbed the “Jesus Phone” by Apple fans); even true believers had to wonder if the Google Phone would ever materials. But the Google faithful were duly rewarded last month with the release of Chrome  and this month, the Google Phone.

Far from being a myth, the very real T-Mobile G1 boasts a gaggle of Google applications baked right in, and is the first cell-phone to use a truly open operating system built by a consortium. The upshot is that in theory developers could be popping out applications for the device in no time. Looking further into the future, in a year users should be able to make their Android-powered phones do pretty much anything from turning on the lights at home remotely to automatically letting contacts know they will be late to a meeting based on their GPS-determined position. It’s a brave new world, campers!

Of course the faithful have heard that one before … but hope springs eternal. I mean, they did come out with a phone, and last month a browser right? How badly could they blow this golden opportunity? Do you really want to know the answer? I didn’t think so.